Research Experience
Alberto Tamajo
MEng Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence
I am an outstanding fourth-year MEng Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence student at the
University of Southampton. I was the recipient of the Netcraft Prize during my first academic year as I
ranked in the top 10 computer science cohort at the University of Southampton. I was granted the DAAD
RISE Germany Scholarship the following year and the ECS Undergraduate Research Scholarship during my
third academic year to conduct research on AI at the Mainz University of Applied Sciences and the
University of Southampton, respectively. I am currently leading a team of 4 students on a pioneering
research and engineering project on 3D multi-person human pose estimation using a 360° camera and
three mmWave radar sensors.
Programming Languages: Python | Java | Haskell | R | C/C++ | JavaScript
Machine Learning Libraries: Pytorch | Pytorch Geometric |TensorFlow | Keras |
NumPy | JAX | Scipy | Scikit-learn | Pandas | Matplotlib
Languages: English | Italian
A. Tamajo, B. Plaß, and T. Klauer. Shrinking unit: a Graph Convolution-Based Unit
for CNN-like 3D Point Cloud Feature Extractors. arxiv preprint arXiv:2209.12770,
2022 (In submission to a top-tier journal)
A. Tamajo. The future of Artificial Intelligence: from statistical learning to acting
and thinking in an imagined space. Towards Data Science, 2022
2022-10 - 2023-01
Master's Group Design Project
University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
Title: "Real-time 3D multi-person human pose estimation using a 360° camera and
three mmWave radar sensors"
Advisor: Dr. Hansung Kim
External customer: Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Keywords: 3D Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
Address Southampton, United Kingdom
Phone +39 392 849 2091
Leading a team of 4 students on a pioneering research and engineering project
on real-time 3D multi-person human pose estimation using a 360° camera and
three mmWave radar sensors.
Developed a pioneering real-time 3D multi-person human pose estimation
algorithm using a 360° camera and three mmWave radar sensors combining
traditional computer vision techniques and deep learning.
2022-05 - 2022-08
Causal Reasoning Research Internship
University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
Advisor: Dr. Srinandan Dasmahapatra
Keywords: Causal reasoning, Causal Inference, Causal Discovery, Causal
Representation Learning, Neural-Causal AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Conducted literature research on Causal Machine Learning, Causal
Representation Learning, Causal Discovery and Neural-Causal AI
Developed a score-based, iterative and Gumbell-softmax-based continuous
optimisation causal discovery algorithm under the assumption of Gaussian
structural equation models with equal error variances. Due to the latter
assumption, no interventional data is necessary
Developed a variational inference Expectation-Maximisation-like causal
discovery algorithm from unknown interventions using an LSTM as an
autoregressive distribution over the space of DAGs
Implemented the above algorithms using the Pytorch library
Presented my work at the ECS research seminar on 30 September 2022
2021-09 - 2022-05
Bachelor's Dissertation
University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
Title: "CC3DVAEWGAN: a controllable conditional 3D point cloud VAE-WGAN
based on shrinking layers and extending layers"
Advisor: Dr. Jonathon Hare
Keywords: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Geometric Deep Learning
Proposed a novel two-stage framework (CC3DVAEWGAN) based on Shrinking
Layers and Extending Layers to achieve conditional and controllable
generation of point clouds
Proposed an innovative architecture combining a VAE and a WGAN, named
VAE-WGAN, capable of learning a latent space distribution for each training
class and a function from a latent vector to a point cloud blueprint
Proposed two novel architectures, named Extending Layer and Stack Extending
Layer, capable of exploring self, local and global correlations between points in
a semantic-based manner for the generation of point clouds
Implemented the proposed architectures and their training procedures using
the Pytorch and Pytorch Geometric libraries. The implementation supports multi-
GPU utilisation on cluster computing
Conducted experiments to verify the validity of the proposed solutions
2021-07 - 2021-09
Deep Learning Research Internship
Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, Germany
Honors and Awards
Advisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Klauer, M.Sc. Bastian Plaß
Keywords: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Geometric Deep Learning
Conducted literature research on Geometric Deep Learning, Generative
Adversarial Networks and Variational AutoEncoders for point cloud
representation learning and generation
Proposed a novel graph convolution-based unit, dubbed Shrinking unit, to
extract features from point clouds
Proposed to stack multiple Shrinking units vertically and horizontally for the
development of the first CNN-like 3D point cloud feature extractors
Implemented the proposed architectures and their training procedures using
the Pytorch and Pytorch Geometric libraries. The implementation supports multi-
GPU utilisation on cluster computing
Published preprint on this work in arxiv on 26 September 2022. Currently
submitting the paper to a top-tier journal in the field
2019-09 - 2023-06
Master of Engineering (MEng): Computer Science And Artificial
University of Southampton - Southampton, United Kingdom
Year 1 Grade: 88% (First Class Honours)| Year 2 Grade: 88% (First Class Honours)|
Year 3 Grade: 85% (First Class Honours)
Personal Academic Tutor: Dr. David Millard
Master's Group Design Project: "Real-time 3D multi-person human pose
estimation using a 360° camera and three mmWave radar sensors"
Bachelor's Dissertation: "CC3DVAEWGAN: a controllable conditional 3D point
cloud VAE-WGAN based on Shrinking layers and Extending layers"
Year 4 Modules: Advanced Machine Learning, Differentiable programming and
Deep Learning, Bayesian Reasoning and Reinforcement Learning, Data Mining,
Group Design Project, Data Visualisation
Year 3 Module Marks: Causal Reasoning and Machine Learning-90%,
Foundation of Machine Learning-90%, Computer Vision-93%, Bachelor's
Dissertation-77%, Social Computing Techniques-96%, Engineering Management
and Law-80%
Year 2 Module Marks: Intelligent Systems-95%, Programming III-89%, Theory of
Computing-89%, Programming Language Concepts-97%, Software Engineering
Group Project-78%, Principles of Cyber Security-81%, Distributed Systems-87%,
Interaction Design-90%
Year 1 Module Marks: Foundations of Computer Science-96%, Algorithmics-93%,
Data Management-93%, Programming I-93%, Programming II-93%, Software
Design and Modelling-93%, Computer Systems I-83%, Professional Development-
Extraccuricular activities
ECS Undergraduate Research Scholarship 2022, granted a scholarship to carry
out a research internship at the University of Southampton
DAAD RISE Germany Scholarship 2021, granted a scholarship to carry out a
research internship at the Mainz University of Applied Sciences. Only 268 out of
1635 applicants were granted a research position
NETCRAFT Prize 2020, placed in the top 10 computer science cohort (out of a
cohort of more than 300 students) at the University of Southampton
Alfieri Del Lavoro Prize 2018, shortlisted as one of the most high-achieving italian
high-school diploma student
Sport, music, gaming, writing, reading, philosophy